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Monthly Archives: May 2004

Found Documents: Diary Entry From El Capitan/Refugio, May (June?) 1995

Begins with a reference to a Tanqueray ad campaign of that time in which a photo-collage old white male figure said mildly scandalous old-white-male things about a lifestyle vaguely related to alcohol to an unseen secretary. We would have seen a lot of this ad campaign — it was all over West Hollywood, where we […]

Vanity Searches

and finds she was a criminal in a movie she’d never heard of.

Can’t Keep A Good Dog Down

Neil’s latest project: Sparkplug the Dog.

Now You Can Buy Spam, Too!

The Spam Letters hits the press.

Taking Requests

I have a great quantity of iron-on letters lying around. Will not apply them to your forehead.

Bagpipes in Washington Square Park

I have been in New York for four years now, but somehow, the procession of purple-robed, mortarboarded adults coming down Washington Place and proceeding through the park on a Wednesday afternoon felt like the weirdest thing I’d seen in the city yet.


Epater les bourgeois! Avec un pantalon de sueur!


Mooserider Jenny, away!