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Monthly Archives: June 2000

The X-Men

I love long weekends, and the Fridays which come before them… Today, out of idle good spirits, we are playing Who’s Your Favorite Superhero? at work. Mind you, this is among a bunch of social services professionals — welfare case managers, job trainers, day care network managers — mostly older than me, from late-20s on. […]


Something substantial fell into place for me yesterday at the main branch of the New York Library. I was supposed to be there digging up curricula on day-care related issues and having little luck when I came across a book about Tibor Kalman on one of the reshelving hand-trucks. I don’t know much about Kalman, […]

Grey Flannel

(Written June 22nd, posted late due to continuing browser issues.) Another cloudy, windy, slightly warm day in New York City… The oppressive heat, the Summer-Of-Sam heat that cracks open every fire hydrant and makes the whole city nuts, hasn’t hit yet, thang god. When I was in high school I convinced myself that the weather […]

First Post

(This was originally posted 6/20/00 on my site, a day before before I discovered Blogger.) What are you up to? Falling in love for no good reason, hating my job for no good reason, enjoying New York and all the dancing opptys therein. Yourself? We used to get angry, at Hampshire, when events we enjoyed […]