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Monthly Archives: March 2001

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen are a brand. Let’s just admit it, all right? Not people, a brand. Thanks to the reporter who stated the obvious in this article about their new magazine. It’s called marykateandashley magazine. Clever, right? Did you know that the brand promoted by these horrible humanlike by-products of the television industry includes […]

Vinyl Causes Cancer

Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman, writing for the Corporate Predators mailing list, noted in their latest column that tonight PBS will show an exposé detailing the chemical industry’s silence about vinyl, which they have known since the 1950s is a cancer-causing substance. More interesting to those of you who are smoking-gun wonks will be the […]

Found Documents: Among Other Things

Cleaned up my files today. “Files” being a wicker basket of crap, four plastic in/outboxes of crap, and the dust-bunny-riddled piles of crap all over my floor. Among the things I filed were the following: the above Bazooka Joe comic; a torn out page from a day planner, which I had found tucked in a […]

Requiem (Habits of Coexistence)

While I was away in Seattle, my birds died. Still I sometimes catch myself inadvertently looking to the cage.

Detritus: You’re Not Serious About Donkeys!

Jeff Sharlet, a Hampshire alumn and a former editor of mine, appears to be editing an online ‘zine about religion: Killing the Buddha. Of particular note is their Manifesto. The world needs more special-interest magazines like these and fewer magazines like Miniature Donkey Talk Magazine, which scream for freelancers from between the pages of the […]

Detritus Peripatetica: Queens on St. Patrick’s Day

Now that it’s getting warmer, it’s nice to walk around Sunnyside again, even in the rain. Sokin and I went out for a stroll around the neighborhood last night, looking to have dinner and dessert. We approached a grocery store I didn’t recognize… five blocks away becomes the unknown. Three small dogs were tied out […]

Announcing the Animatronic Repurposing Project

The moment you’ve not been waiting for has arrived. I’ve started a page about the repurposing of battery-powered critters I’ve started to fool around with. Can anyone recommend some simple texts on electrical engineering? Back from Seattle. More on that later, for now here’s a picture of Jen and Rufus, who was mopey all week […]

Marquise McGraw

Once again I’d like to direct your attention to the homepage of Marquise McGraw, one of my fellow shock troops in the afterschool program. He’s added a little more to his site recently. Marquise’s eloquence constantly amazes me, especially in comparison to the unfocused, poorly educated people who surround him in his community. He is […]

TV Go Home.

TV Go Home. Hooray! “8 Facts” leads to other good British web shite. What The Onion would be if it were TV Times and British. I especially like this one… “Largest Conceptual Schism Between Faceless Product and Contrived Mardi Gras Atmosphere.” heh.

8 Facts

8 Facts: some people are still making blogs that count.