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Category Archives: Lists

What I Can Tell You

Yesterday I went looking on my hard drive for some file which I was pretty sure had the word “what” in its title. I didn’t find it, but I was rather amused by the list it generated, so I thought I’d share it with you. Here’s a list of all the questions the computer thinks I could answer.

Washington Heights Impex, Ltd.

A list of items being shipped in or out of my apartment this week.

Birthday Mixes

Songs from the Kissinger pinata.

City of Boredom?

Talk or don’t talk, all right? Enough with this pussyfooting around about your blog full of “random rants.”

Lists: Miss Angeles Calls Roll

Lucky me — I got to compare the list of after-school kids with the list of school kids at work today. The woman who handed me this task looked at me apologetically. It’s hard to convince people that I don’t mind brainless routines which involve lists — same reason I’ve enjoyed doing menus for Nat. […]

I Don’t Want To Sleep

so here’s some more classics from the CACFP vaults. scrambles egg cornflakes kellow pulm cold fish home nad soup gronala bars grean salan Feach toast biskets spag spam twigs yely chicken soap carras sticks totot mix green sala orka fruit desert bananana burget bun spaguettis lectuce tomatoe (Dan Quayle’s goin’ DOWN…)

What’s For Lunch

Every once in a while at work I volunteer to help check the menus we get from child care providers in compliance with the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program, or CACFP. The basic idea of the CACFP– at least the part I deal with– is that the government reimburses day care providers in […]


Selected headlines of articles on intelligence from Smarter teens delay having sex Mar 03, 2000 (Reuters) Parents influence IQ more than birth weight does Jul 20 (Reuters) Surprisingly Smart: Hollywood’s Educated Icons Childhood intelligence linked to timing of menopause NEW YORK, Jul 21,1999 (Reuters Health) First impression usually right when it comes to IQ […]