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Category Archives: Detritus

Goings On About Town: On About Town Goings-On (Ongoing)

Had a press club today at work. This is one of the many things our ambitious little nonprofit does: arrange for speakers to come and talk to reporters from the minority, immigrant, and community newspapers in the city (we say “ethnic,” but I’m getting exceedingly tired of how clumsy that word is. There are over […]


I had a flash of panic this morning as I struggled to remember what the leaves of an avocado tree look like. * * * There are four columns of businesses named Emergency Locksmith in the New York City telephone directory.

Detritus: New Year Inside A Cloud

Really, that’s not a comment on my mental state — I’m at my dad’s house in the foothills, and the house is literally engulfed in a cloud. If my dad walks out to the garage, it gets hard to see him. When I look out the front window, I can’t see the street below. The […]

Detritus: What’s Shakin’?

No, seriously — would someone tell me please? We seem to have had an earthquake here in New York again, at about quarter to two this morning. Either that or they finally blew something else up. I can’t stand it. This is the worst possible place to be in the case of an earthquake. All […]

Magical Thinking In The Modern Technolgical Age

The communications karma gnomes have been particularly capricious in the last few days. Today they caused Galataea, my computer, my beautiful blue second mind, to have a catastrophic grand mal seizure resulting in an hour of blankscreen and a mangled article pitch. Yesterday, they tweaked my cel phone so that it rang all squeaky and […]

Notes From Around New York

Chinatown Friday night the cops’ interest in passers through the Canal Street boundary line cooled a little. Still we had trouble getting our speakers in for the panel discussion we were doing on Walker Street — they’d been at a peace vigil at Times Square with some 4,000 other people, and had been herded into […]

Detritus Peripatetica: Nothing To Report But Little Moments Of Social Brilliance

Scene: stoplight on South Lake in Pasadena. I pull up alongside two young guys in an SUV. They start making little dog-whistles, in the way some guys do just to get you to turn and look at them. I hate that tactic. I shake my head slowly. They get frustrated. “Yes,” the one on my […]

Virtual Near E-Death Experiences and other detritus

At about eight tonight I logged onto and discovered the server thought my files didn’t exist. Soon after, the international cabal of geeks managing and indy fixed it up. Thank god I didn’t have time to panic about the disappearance of my life experiences over the past two months. I really need to […]

Detritus: The Man Under The Marine Layer In The Coco Helado Suit

I’ve finally brought All Mirth No Matter Productions, my ridiculous little fantasy about producing short videos, to life. Currently Internet Explorer doesn’t read the page right, so you won’t get the video loading in the right frame like it’s supposed to. It will load in another window you may not see right away, and take […]

Detritus: “um, Whatcha eatin’?” “CHHHALK!”

Things of note: First of all, y’all Cali-haytas can step. If y’all still don’t know why to like California, my sista take yo a$s to schoo. Captures the character of the local biome succinctly and vividly. Nextly, check out Ariel’s art. Nothin else like it nowhere. I hope she keeps arting in some way; it […]