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Category Archives: Stupid Media Tricks

From The Sick Sad World Department

I thought the headline of this article alone was revolting. In the days of JFK Jr.’s airplane crash I stole all the signs from the LA Times newspaper bins I could around town… they read “KENNEDY CRASH” in big white letters on black. I felt bad for the survivors, so I took as many as […]


Selected headlines of articles on intelligence from Smarter teens delay having sex Mar 03, 2000 (Reuters) Parents influence IQ more than birth weight does Jul 20 (Reuters) Surprisingly Smart: Hollywood’s Educated Icons Childhood intelligence linked to timing of menopause NEW YORK, Jul 21,1999 (Reuters Health) First impression usually right when it comes to IQ […]

Why I Don’t Trust Anything That Comes Over The AP Newswire

Three reasons for starters: Exhibit A: Some guy shot a bunch of people in the halls of Congress a few years ago, around when I was working at Sunset Magazine and started browsing headlines every hour or so. The bulletins from the Associated Press went something like this: first they reported that a small gang […]