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Category Archives: Short List Temp

Human descent

Morphed pictures of animals.

The Earth is Phat!

Google Earth for Mac.

The Inexorable March of Technology

I’ve started a Flickr stream.

Barney vs. Tupac

Just nice to hear him say “f—,” you know?

Republican Crap.

The darker irony of this is that probably some of the cash spent on these items wholesale goes to companies in China.

Custom Cooptation

Custom ponies as high art, without recognition of the form’s pioneers.

How do you type with those things?!

The class tensions of nail length would make an interesting paper.

Catching Up on Others’s Blogs

Because I am terrified of this presentation I am supposed to do at NRC next week, I am procrastinating hardcore in a way which will not make me feel quite as dirty as playing WoW for hours. I am catching up on friends’ blogs. Here’s a selected rundown.

Don’t know whether to be pleased or appalled

“You see, these comments are a conversation. And contributing to the conversation… may even bring you some valuable traffic from the blog readers themselves.”


which make my day.