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Category Archives: Short List Temp

I can’t sleep

Theremins and pole-dancing.

Great Minds Think In The Same Space-Time Continuum

The Finnish parody Star Wreck.

Unsubtle Hints

Sort of a birthday list.

Things That People I Know Are Doing

Music, comics, going to help refugees.

Effectively Deaf

without my cel phone.

I take back any implication that Jon Land is going soft

His music is rad, and highly recommended to fans of KCRW’s Nocturna or Metropolis.

Pokey The Penguin Has A Posse

and We are It.

So what’s Jon Land up to lately, you may be asking yourself?

Two words: Origami quilts.

Why not get them bronzed, while you’re at it?

Saving your neonate’s umbilical stem cells for later use.

Better In Print

Cat and Girl mock my life.