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Category Archives: MLP

Trends in Lower Limb Amputation

it’s really just a cool title.


Two degrees from Martha Stewart.

Boulevards of Death

That’s a kind of silly title, isn’t it? I mean, HIGHWAY of DEATH sounds imposing, but “boulevard?”

Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys!

Where did that phrase COME from, anyway?!

Anal Sex, Absinthe, and Bacon

Dlove and a special sauce.


A must-read for anyone out there who is temping or considering it.

Things To Read Compulsively, #34,964

Found Magazine.

Brown Recluse Bites Overdiagnosed

Spider-stomping outbreak!

Christmas List

I’ve already had some inquiries into what I would like for Christmas, so I thought I’d start my list. I’ll add to it over time. Here are some things I would like: Anything at all by Lynda Barry (books, framed art, t-shirts, mugs, anything), except Cruddy, which I already have. I am especially jonesing for […]

That’s the letter F and the letter U…

Bert and Ernie gay; the old feminist song sketch on Sesame Street.