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Category Archives: Personal Best

Little Bronx Chronicles

Last week was Earth Day. The school had a dance. This week, two scrappy evergreen bushes were uprooted from the asphalt schoolyard and put out at the curb with the garbage. Busy little fingers had left them all but bare. Now there is only one evergreen left. * * * * Everyone’s doing a dance […]

The Bearer of Bad News

I have never been called upon to be the sole carrier of really bad news before. I frantically cast about thinking of someone else who could do it.

Requiem (Habits of Coexistence)

While I was away in Seattle, my birds died. Still I sometimes catch myself inadvertently looking to the cage.

Si Fulano…

When did Paul Simon and David Byrne switch personalities without my noticing? A review of Simon’s “You’re The One.”

Bodies: The Ultrasound

I tend to think of myself as being one piece. If I must be a number, I would like to be an integer. Whole. On the ultrasound table, I thought I should re-figure myself.

Clementine season

By Christmas even the idea of citrus will turn my stomach, just in time to return to California.

Day: Minutes

“Are you still our teacher?” they kept asking me, sizing up how much it would take to drive me away. They know they can do it. I’ll be in California in two weeks. Suddenly I felt very very out of place.

The White Girl Imagines For A Moment That She Can See The Future And It Is Just As Jimmy Santiago Baca Has Said

There is a shift in the atmosphere in the cafeteria, a low-pressure zone where the director usually stands– the electricity before a storm which makes animals run around like they’re touched in the head.

The Leadership People/ Halloween and the Great Uninterested

There is an industry out there which is training people to run workshops like this. A folder full of xeroxed truisms and a few hours spent falling into each others’ arms to demonstrate trust is its prescription for everything from strained labor relations to troubled youth.

Jonathan Saves The Day

Jonathan always wears a sweater vest over his uniform shirt. His hair, when I rumple it, is sticky to the touch. He has decided my name is “Ms. Android”– he didn’t misunderstand; he’s joking.