Hey, can y’all check in and let me know how the DSWJ looks to you on your different browsers/monitor sizes/OSes? I have had some comments that Netscape makes it all ugly (which is weird, because MT seems to be otherwise configured to work better with Netscape than IE, and this is basically the MT default template). Add comments below, indicating your OS, browser (including version), monitor width if necessary, screeds about noncompliance with W3C standards, dislike of the color purple, etc.
Looks fine in Mozilla 1.0 on both a Mac and the PC in 20- and 17-inch monitors at 1024×768 and 1154×864. Ditto for Opera 6 on the PC and Opera 5 on the Mac. Can’t speak for IE, though. However, Netscape 4.7 looks like it barfed up a Picasso painting on both platforms.
The blog looks great on my humble orange iBook running OSX at 800×600 and Internet Explorer 5.2: large, flower-like rotating objects, pulsating vortexes of psychedelic color, and nonsensical text dominate the main column, while the right-hand column is plastered with doctored pictures of Gia [last name redacted]. I think it’s a serious aesthetic improvement over your last version.
For those of you who haven’t gathered, Robert is a Timothy Leary Scholar at the University of Experimentation and Yogic Flying in Duluth. Their student body of three post-docs are super-smart, super-stoned, and have more groupies than Cold Springs graduates.
Looks OK on my VIC-20 running 3K of RAM, 30 hexajoules of VSDROXYRAM, 117.21 MBEGS of Zlotynet.
OK, we’ve got progress on the bottom-cuts-off-at-the-right-hand-column’s-end problem: This is an IE problem only. A quick fix for it is to hit F11 twice. I will try to do something on my end eventually so the problem just doesn’t happen.
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