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System updates

O hai,

As you can see, I’ve made some changes. Kellan and a couple of other people kept telling me the last layout was really hard to read, and they were absolutely right; I forgot and broke the cardinal rule NOBODY EVER SCROLLS DOWN. It’s not you, it’s not me, it’s natural baby just go with it. Hence it’s back to a more traditional descending-chronological single-column format.

At the moment, the best way to see EVERY new post is to follow the Archives page, or else subscribe to my RSS; click on the disco sausage icon in the new navigation bar at the top of the screen for the archives page. Otherwise you can just follow academic posts (buck-and-wing sausage), more personal/informal essays (flamenco sausage), or ephemera from my Internet curation (breakdancing sausage).

The new format is a temporary fix itself; the blog still needs a lot of work. I do still want to maintain this division of personal/academic/ephemeral, but it should be a little more transparent than the current layout. I’m trying to figure out how best to connect it to StudyPlace, the educational-thought page run by my department to which I’ll now be contributing in order to stay better connected to my compadres there while I’m out of town. Glyph (and everyone he knows) also wants me to switch to WordPress or something else which sucks less than Movabletype.

Until I switch software, I’m not gonna be able to get to comments — something in MT is broken and doing bad things to the server when I try to run the comments manager. Apologies to anyone who’s commented and hasn’t seen their comment show up yet — thanks for commenting, I can’t get to it right now but I’ll try to make it show up soon.

More personal updates: I did hear from Linden Labs last Friday with an offer, though we’re still negotiating pay and they’ve been slow to respond so I’ve been kind of freakin’. I do, however, have suggestions from insiders that people there are already making lists of tasks and attaching my name to them, which is reassuring, I guess. My last day in NYC is June 6th. Housing out there is already taken care of, which is awesome.

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