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Detritus: A little meme spread; definite nostalgia

… just because I haven’t written anything in so goddamn long:

From Elaine’s site, instructions:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

“If the aim is to recapture the participants’ experience, then time-shifted ethnography falls short.” –Christine Hine, Virtual Ethnography
Nobody told me this book was going to be such rough sledding. I’m going to have to reread it like five times to get it well-connected in my semantic network.

Can you *imagine* how much there is in my life I could write about? But no. None of it is worthwhile enough to get me a grade if I posted it here.

I popped the Xephreniaq mix we made a few years ago into my random shuffle on my CD player and it’s currently playing Stereolab’s Captain Easychord, which actually has stronger connections for me in other, seamier parts of my life… but which nonetheless are wearing off, and the real power of the song is finally sloughing off the other connotations. I’m really proud of us for the mix. The theme was “Travelling to another dimension,” and there’s an incredible range on it — Chinese and German opera, Korean and Mexican pop songs, Joe Strummer’s Mega Bottle Ride, Nortec Collective, the song I wrote about tadpoles being sent into space, and, um… “Ordinary World” by Duran Duran.

I think it did the theme and us proud. It makes me feel Morning Becomes Eclectic all over. I think our next joint project should be creating a temporary Xephreniaq museum with artifacts and installations. We should do a gallery opening with fancy wine and cheese and invite people who need to know us better. Among other things, if Catherine’s BMW is no longer in the family (I forget if it is) we need to steal it from the current owners and turn it into a giant flower planter or something. It’s *symbolic*.

Robert, I swear to god I’m going to write you soon… I was so happy to get your letter, but the semester suddenly turned to 24 karat suck. That despite the fact that I skipped my rotten NYU class 3 weeks running.

Something else that should happen, sooner than the gallery opening: a burn party. When could everybody make it? Anything before late May is totally out.

One Comment

  1. Catherine wrote:

    Nope, the BMW is no longer in the family. We sold it to some chick in Long Beach when I inherited the Mazda, a decision I long regretted, but had little control over. And Ordinary World was added because I had no songs in the CDs I brought to the party that fit the theme, and everyone felt bad for me. Hope that clears up a few mysteries…

    Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 11:49 pm | Permalink