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Ceci N’Est Pas Une Pussy

When I write something like “pussy is pussy” in the context I write it in, it might or might not mean that I have a base-genitalia-level view of women. You’d have to know me and my interactions with women to know that. I assure you any disrespect I throw your way has nothing to do with the fact that you’re a woman. It has to do with you as an individual.

People I know roll their eyes when I tell them I’m going out to see Jon Land, former editor of the Omen, Hampshire College’s longest-running publication. Was it because Jon spent his final college years devoting a page a week to reviewing beef jerky at a mostly vegetarian college? Was it because his friends responded to feminist chalkings on campus with satirical pro-rape chalkings? Was it because the libertarian-rag-turned-string-of-ethnic-slurs-and-terrible-ersatz-linguistics-turned-pop-culture-review-slash-inside-joke he published every week was mostly a waste of paper? I dunno. But to those nay-sayers, I say you’e not paying close enough attention to what Jon’s saying.

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