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Things That People I Know Are Doing

I have time to blog! So I will note some things! One is that my roommate Emily will be maintaining a blog as she goes to work with Burundian refugees in Tanzania this summer! OK! Also my cousins in the Berkeley area will finally be reunited with each other as their tribute bands — tribute to The Who and The Yardbirds — play at the British Invasion #2 concert! Not that I could identify music by either band! But they are both seriously talented musicians! Right on! You should go see them! Also! Totally missed Jacob’s second, unfinished, Valentine possibility this year, but it involves Cthulhu and is way too dramatic and that makes it, like his previous Valentines, hilarious. Jacob will be at a number of comic cons in the next month so if you go to those look for him there and buy his mini-comics.

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