Returned home after a department picnic today to find Fort Washington Ave. absolutely crawling with cops — cars parked diagonally the whole block from 179th to 182nd, tactical trucks, the whole nine yards. If you’re watching the news, yes, that retaining wall that collapsed is right in my neighborhood, right around the corner from me. I’m still having a hard time placing it on my mental map, but I am pretty sure part of my favorite running route goes along the edge at the top.
It’s nice, actually — you see that many cop cars around a big monument like the George Washington Bridge and you’re pretty sure you’ll be evacuating your apartment for the forseeable future. But no, it was the kind of event that happens all the time back home — things falling down, going up in flames, blowing over, getting flooded. Nature taking over and reminding us no matter how big the things we build are, they’re coming down eventually. Reassuring, actually. And it even appears no one was hurt.
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