This was written by admin. Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 10:14 am. Filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment.
Robert wrote:
Reminds me of frustrating computer exploits when we were younger–C:\ prompts and discs with our edited version of Frogger (Gay Hopper?) not loading correctly…
Even funnier than you replying to a test post is that it wasn’t even me posting, it was Kellan.
Someone at the hacker conference I went to this weekend had old Apples, and they were running the traditional 10:”MIKE HO SUCKS” 20:GOTO 10 kind of scripts.
You missed a great “retro computing neighborhood” at H2K2, the hacker conference, this past weekend. I didn’t spend much time at it myself, as I was running around going to lectures, but there were old Apple ][s and Classics and some Ataris and stuff, and someone had put one of those repeating scripts on one of the Apples. 🙂 hee. There was also a panel on retro computing, and unfortunately I missed that too. I did catch the one on radio frequencies, though, which was cool.
Reminds me of frustrating computer exploits when we were younger–C:\ prompts and discs with our edited version of Frogger (Gay Hopper?) not loading correctly…
Even funnier than you replying to a test post is that it wasn’t even me posting, it was Kellan.
Someone at the hacker conference I went to this weekend had old Apples, and they were running the traditional 10:”MIKE HO SUCKS” 20:GOTO 10 kind of scripts.
oh, those were the days! A green, glowing screen and logowriter…
You missed a great “retro computing neighborhood” at H2K2, the hacker conference, this past weekend. I didn’t spend much time at it myself, as I was running around going to lectures, but there were old Apple ][s and Classics and some Ataris and stuff, and someone had put one of those repeating scripts on one of the Apples. 🙂 hee. There was also a panel on retro computing, and unfortunately I missed that too. I did catch the one on radio frequencies, though, which was cool.
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