In an attempt to soften the harsh, chilly patrician demeanor which voters seem to be so reacting so poorly to this election season, I am now a contributor over at Christine’s Adorablog. Look, don’t laugh. If it wasn’t for these people, you’d know jack diddly about Strindberg and Helium, OK? And you should know about Strindberg and Helium. It’s scarier than Edward Gorey. Possibly less scary than Don Hertzfeldt, but that only means it’s slightly less funny, too. Still. Miseryyyyyyyy! And damned if that thing didn’t make you a cupcake, you gloomy turn-of-the-century wet blanket…
This was written by admin. Posted on Friday, April 30, 2004, at 1:59 am. Filed under personal, System Updates. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment.
and I think the best thing is how Helium says the most godawful things like blooooddyyyyyyyyy in the cutest little voice. Man, the creativity in the world just plain astounds me sometimes. I would never have thought of that but it is just straight brilliant.
Best. Web cartoon. Ever.
(Helium: Eveeeeer!)
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