Everybody focus your benevolent energies on Estrellita. She is very, very, very sick. In addition to a nasty head cold of some sort she has been lethargic since she came home with me, and now the hip she has been favoring the whole time has a nasty swelling to it. Thank god for Petfinder insurance, but I can’t stand to see her so unhappy. Think good thoughts about the pussycat.
May the fluffy one get well soon. Animals in pain are terrible.
I think animals in pain are still great, it’s watching them that is terrible 🙂 seriously though, thank you, I know you understand.
Oh, btw everyone, it’s not anything cardiovascular or otherwise life-threatening, apparently — it’s just a large abcess. Painful, fever inducing, and requiring a night of hospitalization (plus the draining of a tremendous amount of bloody pus! eeeeewww!), but with good chance for recovery.
I am sendng some sympathetic,cross-species whimpers. Get well so we can play some day.
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